Mahalla's come back
Di Sucar Drom (del 26/02/2015 @ 10:20:45, in blog, visitato 19623 volte)
Dear Friends,
Nine months ago the blog Mahalla ceased. It’s motor shut down.
On Sunday 25th of May FABRIZIO CASAVOLA, who was its life force, died aged 55. Mahalla was his invention and he was the driving force behind it in all these years. He dedicated his life, his passion and his intelligence to this project in the defense of a people abused, ill-treated and discriminated against almost always, almost everywhere, however they are called: Roma, Sinti, Manouches, Kalé , Rominchals…..
Fabrizio was a shy man, so reserved as to sometimes appear ill-tempered, but hugely open to people and different cultures. One could never forget his smile !
We his friends, both men and women, would like him to remain with us through Mahalla, which we intend to restart. To this end in July we formed the group ‘CIAO FABRIZIO’ with the aim of safeguarding, keeping alive and in activity his blog Mahalla, of which the legal domain has been renewed. We are at this moment forming an editorial staff to deal with this important challenge and ask you all to contribute.
Therefore we invite you to resume your visits to the blog which will be up dated very soon, and to start sending us your material.
The next initiatives will be announced on Thursday February 26th during the evening in memory of Fabrizio, details of which can be seen on the poster herewith attached and subsequently on the blog.