\\ Mahalla : Articolo : Stampa
Ricerca di attivisti Rom (in inglese)
Di Fabrizio (del 14/08/2006 @ 18:45:58, in Kumpanija, visitato 1737 volte)

Dear all!

As an editor of IDEA`s Roma web page on http://idw.idebate.org/roma/ I`ll be grateful, if you would assist me with reliable information on well-known and well-respected activists of international Roma movement.

For example, in a such format:

Date of birth
Country of birth
Country of residence
Position within the movement
Brief description of activities
Recommended article on the Net
Photo (if available)

You can send me an info about the leader of your NGO or even about yourself, if he/she or you are already known due to his/her or your continous work for Roma cause.

Write me at romale@zahav.net.il

Baxt, sastipe!

Kind regards,
Valery Novoselsky.
Editor of Roma Virtual Network.

Razgrad, Bulgaria