\\ Mahalla : Articolo : Stampa
Di Fabrizio (del 07/11/2005 @ 12:51:02, in scuola, visitato 1976 volte)

Previous (...I teach English at a primary (actually... Roma/Gypsy) school here. I'm looking for a colleague teaching similar age group for a non-formal exchange. As a first step I would like to exchange Christmas/New year's postcards. Each child could make a beautiful card and write a simple greeting on it. I will collect all of them and send a pack to the interested colleague, who could do the same.)


Thank You! to everybody who did answer to my invitation.

Last weeks I'm keeping silent as I lost a big amount of information here. Someone or something caught my computer and everything's gone. All addresses and files. I'm so sorry!

Anyway, I have a computer to use now. Please write to me again if you are still interested to do the exchange.

The news are that I got several hours at another school here. Wish me luck! There are more, concerning the exchange, but I'll write about in another e-mail.

Have a good day,

Lillyia Brezina