\\ Mahalla : Articolo : Stampa
Appello dalla Gran Bretagna
Di Fabrizio (del 03/08/2005 @ 10:03:57, in conflitti, visitato 3837 volte)

[English Text]

Riprendo un appello del 10 luglio scorso, per evitare il rimpatrio forzato di una famiglia di profughi kossovari richiedenti asilo in Gran Bretagna e con gravi problemi di salute. La UK Association of Gypsy Women ha promosso una raccolta di firme in tutta Europa per far pressione sul governo perché a questa famiglia di profughi sia permesso di rimanere in Gran Bretagna, sia per i motivi di salute che per la situazione di permanente insicurezza personale che perdura in Kossovo (e se leggerete l'appello, noterete che le due cose sono strettamente collegate). So che le sole firme non cambiano l'operato dei governi e che agosto non è il mese ideale per appelli di questo genere. Ma il rimpatrio potrebbe avvenire in qualsiasi momento. Per questo è necessario l'impegno e la mobilitazione di tutti. GRAZIE

Da: Rachel Francis - UK Association of Gypsy Women

Llire Xhama. Home Office Ref: X1032702

Llire Xhama dopo una vita di persecuzioni lasciò la sua casa in Serbia. Come Rom, musulmana e portavoce della comunità albanese, ha dovuto subire violenze e umiliazioni sia dai Serbi che dai Kossovari.

Una notte di tre anni fa, casa sua fu circondata da uomini armati e data alle fiamme. Durante la fuga, Llire e suo marito furono malmenati. Llire era incinta. Suo marito morì per le percosse e lei rimase con sua figlia di quattro anni, testimone anche lei delle atrocità passate.

[Arrivati in Gran Bretagna] sia Llire che sua figlia mostrarono disordini mentali ed emotivi, conseguenze delle violenze subite. Qui è nato il secondo figlio, pochi mesi dopo il loro arrivo e nonostante tutto, hanno tentato di ricostruirsi una vita. Entrambe i bambini parlano inglese come lingua madre, frequentano la scuola, hanno amici e conducono una vita "normale".

Ora il Ministero degli Interni ha stabilito che per loro è giunto il tempo di fare ritorno da dove sono scappate traumatizzate e dove il bambino più piccolo non ha mai vissuto.

Testimonianze raccolte dalle Nazioni Unite, da Amnesty International e da altri esprimono "grave e profonda preoccupazione" sul futuro dei Rom (in particolare in quella parte d'Europa).

L'Ombudsman in Kossovo ha scritto ai governi europei per ammonire sui rischi che i rifugiati all'estero corrono ritornando in patria.


Llire and her Family Must Stay!


109 Parliament Road


TS1 4JE.

Tel/Fax: 01642 226260


Cliccando su "INVIA" il messaggio "LLIRE AND HER FAMILY MUST STAY" verrà inoltrato alle seguenti mail del Governo Inglese e del Parlamento Europeo:

* bob.last@fco.gov.uk
* c.clarke@parliament.gov.uk
* indpublicenquiry@ind.homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
* ashokkumarmp@parliament.uk
* dorispack@aol.com
* swoboda@europarl.eu.int
* sludford@europarl.eu.int
* ljaroka@europarl.eu.int
* vmohacsi@europarl.eu.int
* klevai@europarl.eu.int
* edegroen@europarl.eu.int
* cmoraese@europarl.eu.int
* alvaro.gil-robles@coe.int
* john.dalhuisen@coe.int

e una copia per conoscenza alla UK Association of Gypsy Women. Il campo testo è in bianco e potete (eventualmente) aggiungere un vostro messaggio

We the UK Association of Gypsy Women in partnership with our sisters of the International Roma Womens Network seek to register our protest in the strongest possible terms against the inhuman decision by the Home Office to deport this young Mother and her very young Children back to Kosovo against her will.

Llire and children pose no threat to the National Security of the United Kingdom, Indeed Llire's dearest wish is to be allowed to remain in the UK and raise her little family in peace and safety.

We therefore make our appeal in the hope you will use your good office to influence reconsideration of Llire's case.
UK Association of Gypsy Women

Llire and Her Family Must Stay!

Llire Xhama is a widow with two young children. She is a Roma from Kosovo where she and her family suffered physical assaults, racist abuse and discrimination because of their ethnicity.

Llire and her daughter fled to the UK after witnessing the brutal murder of Llire's husband, an experience that has left Llire so traumatised that she suffers severe mental ill health. At the time of this atrocity Llire was pregnant. Her little boy was later born in the North East of England, where the family now lives.

Llire's application for asylum has been refused, but she is terrified at the prospect of being returned to the 'hell' from which she escaped and fears for the future of her children.

As an Albanian speaking Muslim woman, alone with children, Llire will be at risk if she returns to Kosovo. She has no home or family to return to and no one to help her.

Today the situation for Roma people remains dangerous. In May this year, the UN's Economic and Social Council expressed 'deep' concern about ethnically motivated attacks against the Roma. It said it was "gravely concerned" about the absence of basic medical facilities and schools for the Roma.

This year Amnesty International stated its concern over "continuing discrimination against the Roma, especially Kosovo RomaŠ."

On May 18th 2004, Mr. Marek Antoni Nowicki, the Ombudsperson in Kosovo, sent a letter of concern to government authorities in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, strongly advising against the return of Roma asylum seekers to Kosovo stressing that they face "considerable risks to their personal safety" and affirming that such action would violate international human rights standards.

Llire has tremendous support amongst her local community, who are appalled that the Home Office should consider the forced removal of such a vulnerable family.

Llire's children both speak English, as their first language and the family have become a valued part of their community in the North East.

Llire has won the affection and admiration of her friends with her devotion as a mother and with her courage in the face of emotional and mental devastation.

Llire's only hope of safety and recovery is to be allowed to remain in the UK with her family.

What you can do to help
Lucien with friends and supporters have set up a campaign to try and persuade Tony McNulty, Minister for Immigration to allow Llire and her Family to remain in the UK. The campaign has drawn up a petition and model letter attached, which they are asking everyone to print off, fill them in and get as many other people as possible to do the same, and return them to the campaign office. When they have collected enough signatures, the campaign will present them to the Minister.

Let your friends know about the 'Llire and her Family Must Stay! Campaign'

Llire and her Family Must Stay!

For further details/information contact the campaign at:
Llire and her Family Must Stay!
109 Parliament Road
TS1 4JE.
Tel/Fax: 01642 226260

End of Bulletin:

Source for this Message:
Llire and her Family Must Stay!


Message "LLIRE AND HER FAMILY MUST STAY" will forwarded to:

* bob.last@fco.gov.uk
* c.clarke@parliament.gov.uk
* indpublicenquiry@ind.homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
* ashokkumarmp@parliament.uk
* dorispack@aol.com
* swoboda@europarl.eu.int
* sludford@europarl.eu.int
* ljaroka@europarl.eu.int
* vmohacsi@europarl.eu.int
* klevai@europarl.eu.int
* edegroen@europarl.eu.int
* cmoraese@europarl.eu.int
* alvaro.gil-robles@coe.int
* john.dalhuisen@coe.int

and CC to UK Association of Gypsy Women. Feel free to write your own opinion